Concert tickets on Monday at Cafe Oto

Tryp Tych Tryo - Warsaw Conjunction (featuring Sarathy Korwar) - album launch DJ support from Pete OntheCorner (On the Corner Records) & Adrian Magrys (Lanquidity Records) Monday 17 June 2024

Mon 17 Jun 2024, 19:30 - Café Oto, London
As part of OntheCorner´s 10th year, the label is exploring new artistic collaborations and label innovations. For Tryp Tych Tryo the London-Polish label Lanquidity has come onboard for 'Warsaw Conjunction'. The Tryp Tych Tryo´s first studio recording has a line-up of three giants in contemporary jazz innovators; Wojtek Mazolewski, Tamar Osbor and Natchyet Wakili. Based on improvisation in the stud

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